biobizz all-mix 50l

biobizz all-mix 50l
Marca: Biobizz
Prezzo: 16,00€

All-Mix e - stato specialmente pensato per essere il miglior terriccio per coltivatori organici. E&rsquo - così - composto: 20% di torba scura, 35% di torba da giardino, 10% di humus di lombrico di altissima qualità - , 30% di perlite e 5% di Pre-Mix.


- Disponibile in sacchi da 50 litri.


The potting soil can be reused indefinitely on condition that the following rules are observed:
1. Do not reuse potting soil that has been infested severely by parasites.
2. Remove the top layer of soil and throw it away.
3. Remove roots and plant debris as best you can, a forked tool is useful for this.
4. Add fresh potting soil, coconut fibre and perlite until the original volume is reached.
5. To the 1000 litres of soil add 50 litres of Pre-Mix and 100 litres of Worm-Humus and mix thoroughly.*
6. The soil mixture now needs to be lightly wetted in order for it to humidify. For best results leave for at least a few days in order for the microbiological bacteria's and enzymes in the Pre-Mix to proliferate.

*Reuse per 1000 litre soil mixture:
- 5% Pre-Mix (50 litres)
- 10% Worm-Humus (100 litres)

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