Chilli Focus 500ml

Chilli Focus 500ml
Marca: Grow Technology
Prezzo: 7,00€

Chilli Focus e - un fertilizzante studiato appositamente per peperoni e peperoncini.Non contiene urea e viene prodotto con sali puri e solubili.DarĂ  - ai tuoi peperoncini una crescita rigogliosa e - un fruttificazione abbondante e molto piccante! Disponibile in flaconi da 300ml e 1l



Chilli Focus


Chillies and peppers have specific nutritional requirements and, although it is true that they can perform reasonably well with general purpose &ldquo - feeds&rdquo - , the best results will be achieved by using a formulation designed specifically for them.


Chilli Focus is based on commercial chilli nutrients, as manufactured by our company for over twenty years. Originally our formulations were based on academic work, but have been fine-tuned over the years by the experience of our commercial customers.


  • Chilli Focus is manufactured from the purest and most soluble mineral salts. It is fortified and enhanced with a complex profile of organic plant acids.


  • It is precisely formulated for the needs of chillies and peppers &ndash - contains no urea.


  • It is non-toxic and poses no environmental hazards.


  • Chilli Focus is an ideal feeding programme for chillies. It can help produce healthier more vigorous plants and colourful, juicier fruits.


Precise professional formulation for chillies &ndash - based on pure mineral salts and rich organic plant acids.

Feeding chillis

Mix up the Chilli Focus at the rates recommended on the label. Plants can be fed from the seedling stage onwards. The recommendation is to feed weekly but this can be increased as needed. As long as foliage is dark green then feeding is adequate but if it becomes pale then feeding can be increased.


Increase frequency of feeding rather than feed strength. Plants can be fed up to three or four times per week without problems. - -




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